Resulting positive counter-tendancies from the corona shut-downs (we can always hope)

by Jonah Ohayv April 29, 2020

Now there's much Spring sunshine outdoors everywhere - and I became so bitter while regularly updating my pessimistic article about corona, Pandemic excuse: connections and hidden agendas! There must also be positive side-effects of these pandemic reactions! So here's an attempt to find them.

Precedance: It's now obvious that the public, if they're already made anxious by massive news coverage of a threatened local disaster, will follow even extreme orders from their official leaders, especially if everyone around them is doing the same, and this shows -

That if those leaders then decide to take on a really serious problem, like big steps to slow down climate change - the Danish public will quickly and effectively do what they're told to.

A tendancy may grow for governments to encourage and listen more to scientists from also foreign cultures, who internationally share their research and findings to solve global problems.

For instance, the improved process of more quickly finding an effective vaccine will be useful during future epidemics. More awareness of personal hygiene will also somewhat limit the spread of common colds and yearly influenzas.

When an acute global crisis accelerates fast, there may be a growing willingness to allow an expert international organ like WHO to find, recommend, and coordinate the best efforts at repairing the problem.

As long as people fly internationally much less, the CO2 level will be brought down. Tourism will also then be more local and more between economic equals, and less the master-servant variety with its direct underlining of the wealth gap between rich and poor peoples.

Unlike the above observable trends, the following tendancies are more based on positive thinking so far than on measured facts:

The cut-down in international transportation of people and products (from fear), might get transformed to more non-polluting forms of transportation during the coming build-up phase.

To compensate for the present and coming economic reductions, big government-sponsored programs designed to improve our environmental situation might develop, as already recommended from many sides. Some of those who will lose their jobs might get reemployed under these "green" programs.

Now that people have seen what their big cities actually look like, groups working against air-pollution may become stronger.

From this extended period of slow-down and imposed free time at home, a sizeable minority may afterwards choose to turn to a more relaxed, peaceful, simpler, more self-sufficient daily life-style.

For instance, some people may decide to find work-solutions which are part-time, instead of full-time, giving less bodily stress and more personal satisfaction (if the extra time is used wisely).

Some parents might decide to re-shuffle their lifestyle, so they have more time with their kids, other relatives, and friends, giving better close relationships.

Old people might be treated with more consideration both officially, publicly, and by their families.

It may become common to be more friendly towards and interested in a wider group of neighbors and local people.

More appreciation of person-to-person meetings might make the surrogate of many daily hours of cell-phone and internet interactions less attractive - resulting in more real and satisfying contacts between especially younger people.

Some might decide to buy and consume less, and to use or reuse what that already have, without stockpiling so much surplus - making less polluting waste and more sustainability, in one's own life.

More people may do volunteer work to help less fortunate people.

From all this time alone to feel and think about what's really most important for oneself, there may come an upswing in many personal development practices and groups.

Some grass-root level positive cultural changes may bloom to unforseeable degrees.

For instance, more group singing will probably continue in some form. That's good in a society where singing together during church services, holiday rituals, family gatherings, and in choirs is already associated with sharing warm feelings together. This helps create more harmonious attitudes.

More outdoor nature walks and gatherings, may encourage more powerful protection of Denmark's nature.

There might be a deeper understanding that humans do not master or control Nature, and then attempts made to respect our environment more.

A growing awareness that national boundaries are mainly artificially drawn lines, may make it easier to tackle global problems together.

There might be a willingness to address world-wide problems more, with the understanding that sooner or later they can reach also this country and one's own real-time life.

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